
Bean sprouting_豆芽四年级状物英语作文150字

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Bean sprouting_豆芽四年级状物英语作文150字

Bean sprouting_豆芽四年级状物英语作文150字

Bean sprouts is a favorite of many people, I am no exception. Can be appeared on the market in recent years, the poison bean sprouts, let a person. Poison bean sprouts refers to the production process to join illegal additives in bean sprouts, bean sprouts grow long, grow strong, has tremendous harm to the human body. So, Thursday heald research class, the teacher let us home bean sprouts.

Back home, I took out a bowl, put a Huang Doufang inside, then filled with water on the sun insolates, a few days later, soybean is broken. My first attempt, so failed. This have not been able to reassure my confidence, but I feel will be able to make out of bean sprouts.

A few days later, I again is going to make bean sprouts, this time, I have from the Internet to find the beans.

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  • 哀感顽艳  原意是指内容凄切,文辞华丽,使愚笨和聪慧的人同样受感动。后多用来指艳情的小说、戏曲、电影中的感人情节。
  • 匪夷所思  匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。
  • 风不鸣条  和风轻拂,树枝不发出声响。比喻社会安定。
  • 安分守已  规矩老实,守本分,不做违法的事。
  • 匪夷匪惠  夷:殷末周初的伯夷;惠:春秋时鲁国的柳下惠。既不是伯夷,又不是柳下惠;不具备这两位贤人的品德。形容才德不高而又驾驭的人。
  • 白头偕老  白头:头发白;偕:共同。夫妻相亲相爱,一直到老。
  • 诽誉在俗  诽:指诽谤;誉:赞扬;俗:风气、习惯。诽谤或赞扬在于当时的风习。后来引申指风气、习惯的作用非常大。
  • 笨鸟先飞  比喻能力差的人怕落后,做事比别人先动手。
  • 分毫不爽  比喻没有丝毫差错。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 飞蛾投火  象蛾子扑火一样。比喻自找死路、自取灭亡。
  • 步人后尘  后尘:走路或行车时后面扬起的尘土。指跟在人家后面走。比喻追随模仿,学人家的样子,没有创造性。
  • 白草黄云  形容边塞秋季的荒凉景象。
  • 百计千心  指想尽或用尽一切办法。
  • 百依百随  形容什么都顺从。