
There are four seasons in a year_英语作文范文

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There are four seasons in a year_英语作文范文

There are four seasons in a year

There are four seasons in a year.They are spring、summer、fall and winter.

I like spring.It is warm.It often rains.I can plant trees and flowers in spring.The spring is green.

Summer is very hot.I can swim in the river.

Fall is a good season.It is nice.I can fly kites in fall.I can eat many apples too.

Winter is cold.I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday.Because it does not snow in Xinxing.

I love all the seasons,because they are nice.


Hello! My name is Emily.

I'm a beautiful girl. I have a black hair, two big eyes, a nose and a pink mouth.

My favorite colour is yellow.

I come from China. I speak Chinese.

l have a happy family.They are my father, my mother, my grandmother, my grandfather and me.

l want to make friend with you. And you?


Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.


My name is ChenJunyu.Chen is family name and Junyu is given name.My English is Tom I'm cute boy. I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Meishijie Yongchun Fujian China. My Telephone number is 2388-2377. I have a big head,small eyes and wide mouth. Do you want to be my friend!

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  • 不分畛域  畛域:范围,界限。不分界限、范围。也比喻不分彼此。
  • 不分彼此  形容关系密切,交情深厚。
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