
A financial windfall_意外之财英语作文300字

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A financial windfall_意外之财英语作文300字

Once upon a time, there was a very loving old couple. Unfortunately, his wife died of illness. The old man wanted to ask his neighbor to help dig the grave for his wife. However, because the old man was poor, no one wanted to come.He wanted to invite the village talisman to the provincial capital, and he refused to serve him, but the old man had to dig his own grave, and suddenly he dug out a jar of gold.There were many people who helped, and the priest came, and the old man gave him a gold coin.She was so happy that she presided over the funeral for the deceased. After the funeral, the old man invited the priest to attend the funeral dinner. After the people left, the priest asked mysteriously how you suddenly became so rich.Weren't you very poor originally?The honest old man told the priest the whole process of his discovery of the gold coin, and the priest listened to it.

One night, the priest came to the old man's house in a goat's skin. He stood outside the window and said to the old man in God's voice, "I pity you for the gold." I thought you could just take a funeral expenses, but I didn't expect you to be so greedy and give the rest of the money. When the old man wanted no money, I was alive and well. I gave the money to him. So the old man handed in the gold coin.

The priest went home with the gold coin, but he could not take off his goatskin. God must have punished him.

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  • 分毫不爽  比喻没有丝毫差错。
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  • 博洽多闻  洽:广博;闻:见闻。知识丰富,见闻广博。
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