
Computer and I_我和电脑英语作文200字

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Computer and I_我和电脑英语作文200字

I want to have a computer for a long time. My father will buy me anything about my study, but only not computer. He thinks computer is bad for my study. If he bought me one, I would just take all my time to play computer games.

I like Friday best, because I have computer class on that day. Although I have only one computer class in a week, I look forward to it and value it all the time. In my computer class, I have learned drawing and typing on computers.

One time, I went to play computer and then I told a lie. On that day, I went to my friend’s house to play computer. When I went home, my father asked me where did I go. I just told him I did homework with friends. Am I still an honest child?

In my father’s eyes, computer is like that fish in my childhood. He afraid I will be hurt by the fish bones. But he doesn’t know although there are fish bones, fish is also delicious and nutritious. How can I give up eating fish because of the bones?





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  • 哀感顽艳  原意是指内容凄切,文辞华丽,使愚笨和聪慧的人同样受感动。后多用来指艳情的小说、戏曲、电影中的感人情节。
  • 匪夷所思  匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。
  • 分我杯羹  羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。
  • 风不鸣条  和风轻拂,树枝不发出声响。比喻社会安定。
  • 八字没一撇  比喻事情还没有眉目。
  • 安分知足  安于本分,对自己所得到的待遇知道满足。
  • 飞沙走砾  沙:沙土;砾:小石块。沙土飞扬,小石块滚动。形容风势很猛。
  • 百川归海  川:江河。许多江河流入大海。比喻大势所趋或众望所归。也比喻许多分散的事物汇集到一个地方。
  • 诽誉在俗  诽:指诽谤;誉:赞扬;俗:风气、习惯。诽谤或赞扬在于当时的风习。后来引申指风气、习惯的作用非常大。
  • 背恩忘义  背:背叛。辜负别人对自己的恩义。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 勃然大怒  勃然:突然。突然变脸大发脾气。
  • 肥马轻裘  裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
  • 方领矩步  方领:直的衣领;矩步:行步合乎规矩。指古代儒者的服饰和容态。
  • 不治之症  医治不好的病。也比喻无法挽救的祸患。