Dear everybody,i guess everyone is all have your after-school activities,so i really want to know about your activities .Well i have a good idea,let's communicate the after-school activities together,maybe you are so shy,so let me tell your that first. After-school activities are like beautiful animals,they all have their difference shapes,and give us different feelings. I think after-school activities are so important for me,if i do these,i will have happy time until sleep,and sometimsmes,i feel relaied,than i will have exciting enough time to study.For example,i usually tell my bad things to my best friends,and she looks after me well,next,we will share our iteresting things each other,finally,we all find happy.
So ,when i feel tired in the study,i always do some things to relax,i will go out the classroom with my friends and lie down in the snowy when winter comming,we look the blue sky,breathe the fresh air,enjoy the best time.than i will get happy .i believe it is good for our life .so i love to do that very much! OK,now ,could you please share your activities with me?
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