
Be healthy_保持健康英语作文120字

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Be healthy_保持健康英语作文120字

I like to eat junk food, such as chips, Fried chicken and instant noodles. Eating junk food often makes you fat, makes you ill, and you spend a lot of money. Though I understand these things, junk food is so delicious! For my own health, I must eat healthy food and have a healthy diet. I always eat fruit, vegetables, food, etc. Eat more healthy food, I will become healthier, my body will become stronger and less likely to get sick. While eating healthy, I also need to exercise more, early to bed and early to get up early, do not look at the cell phone often, care for their eyes, do not do dangerous things, this will become healthier!

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  • 哀感顽艳  原意是指内容凄切,文辞华丽,使愚笨和聪慧的人同样受感动。后多用来指艳情的小说、戏曲、电影中的感人情节。
  • 分我杯羹  羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。
  • 匪夷匪惠  夷:殷末周初的伯夷;惠:春秋时鲁国的柳下惠。既不是伯夷,又不是柳下惠;不具备这两位贤人的品德。形容才德不高而又驾驭的人。
  • 飞沙走砾  沙:沙土;砾:小石块。沙土飞扬,小石块滚动。形容风势很猛。
  • 百折不回  折:挫折。比喻意志坚强,无论受到多少次挫折,毫不动摇退缩。
  • 奔走钻营  到处奔波,削尖脑袋谋求私利。
  • 挨肩擦背  形容人多拥挤。
  • 伯仲之间  伯仲:兄弟排行的次第,伯是老大,仲是老二;间:中间。比喻差不多,难分优劣。
  • 肥马轻裘  裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
  • 飞云掣电  掣:闪过。像流云飞和闪电一样。形容非常迅速。
  • 方领矩步  方领:直的衣领;矩步:行步合乎规矩。指古代儒者的服饰和容态。
  • 不栉进士  栉:梳头。不绾髻插簪的进士。旧指有文采的女人。
  • 非分之想  非分:不属自己分内的。妄想得到本分以外的好处。
  • 繁文末节  文:规定、仪式;节:礼节。过分繁琐的仪式和礼节。比喻琐碎多余的事情。
  • 百足之虫,至断不蹶  比喻势力雄厚的集体或个人一时不易垮台。同“百足之虫,至死不僵”。